Affording a Mayfield Education

You want the absolute best for your child—so do we.

At Mayfield, our students are everything. Our primary purpose is to see your child be their best self—helping them develop a love of learning, discover their unique gifts, and gain the skills and confidence needed in our rapidly changing world.  And it will all take place in a joyful community with caring teachers and the space to grow with intention and kindness.

Tuition and Fees 2025-2026

Grades K-4: $31,505
Grades 5-8: $33, 025

New Student Fee
Grades K-8: $2,300

Parents' Association Dues
$100 (per family)

Our tuition is comprehensive, covering the full cost of attendance. This includes school supplies, field trips, textbooks, yearbooks, and iPads. Items requiring additional fees include uniforms, hot lunch, extended care, and possible special overnight trips.

Tuition Payment Options

You have four payment options at Mayfield that are outlined below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

A 10 percent deposit is required each year to reserve a space. This payment is due when you enroll or re-enroll and is applied to tuition in the new academic year.

Tuition may be paid using one of four payment plans:
  • Annual payment (100% due on August 1)
  • Semi-annual payments (60% on August 1 and 40% on January 1)
  • 7-Pay Monthly (Monthly payments August - February)
  • 10-Pay Monthly (Monthly payments May - February)

Financial Assistance

Choosing the right school for your child is the first step—finances are the next.

We understand that choosing an independent school education for your child is a significant financial commitment. Let’s work together to provide your child with an exceptional education.

Mayfield offers need-based financial assistance. All families who are applying are encouraged to apply for financial assistance. We commit more than one million dollars in need-based financial aid each year.

The financial assistance process and the application process occur at the same time and are independent of one another. The process is confidential. You must complete the financial aid application before you can be considered for tuition assistance. We encourage all applicants not to wait for notice of acceptance to apply for financial aid. In doing so, the available monies may already be allocated. 

In the 2024-2025 school year, Mayfield provided financial assistance to 20 percent of our students, with awards that range from 7 to 98 percent of tuition.

Determining an annual assistance award is directly tied to establishing the demonstrated financial need of each family. While family income is a significant factor, we recognize that there are many other indicators to consider. To help evaluate demonstrated need, Mayfield processes all applications through Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST).
For further information, please contact Alex Lewis in our Business Office at

Financial Assistance Application Information

FAST Application Information

The 2025-2026 FAST application for financial assistance will be available in November at


Alex Lewis