Catholic Social Teaching: The Church’s social teachings are about building a just society within the challenges of modern society. These teachings have been expressed in papal, conciliar, and other documents and include respecting the Life and Dignity of the Human Person and the Care for God’s Creation, among others.
Reach-Out: Our foundational program of providing services and support to organizations within the community. Reach Out events and projects are organized at the grade level and often school-wide. After a year of Reach-Out, there is a culminating assembly to share reflections on learning and provide financial support to student-selected organizations.
Service Learning: As its name implies, learning is completed through service and is not the same as charitable events like collection, cleanup, or donation. With careful curriculum design and collaboration with community partners, successful Service Learning is most impactful when students (and all constituents) understand what it means to actively and humanely contribute to the common good. Learning through service is relational, collaborative, and inclusive.
Servant Leadership: A leadership style in which the leaders aim to serve, putting the community's interests before the self. At Mayfield, students learn the tenets of servant leadership and practice learning to serve.